88 Ways to tell if You're Stuck in the 80's
Author Unknown
- your fondest childhood memory is when Skippy got his head stuck in the banister
- you relax by putting on your legwarmers and dancing to the "Footloose" soundtrack
- you think the Two Coreys are "totally awesome"
- you're still bitter that Wham! broke up
- Punky Brewster is your hero
- you type all of your term papers on a Commodore 64
- you still resent your parents for not installing a dumbwaiter in your house like Webster's
- the only video games you play are Frogger and Pac Man
- you're building your own Clockwork Smurf
- your summer attire is Jellies and Jams
- A-Ha's "Take on Me" is still your favorite video
- you consider yourself truly, truly, truly outrageous, much like Jem and the Holograms
- you wonder why more people don't wear high heels, Jordache jeans, and lacy ankle socks
- you call all motorcycle cops
- every time you go to the beach you look for Snorks
- you're still upset Madonna and Sean broke up
- you know who Stinky Sullivan is
- you work out with "Get in Shape Girl"
- you want to be Molly Ringwald when you grow up
- you enjoy dancing on the ceiling and wearing your sunglasses at night
- you know who Loverboy is
- you think there should be a Kids Incorporated original cast reunion
- you think of Janet Jackson as "that girl who used to date Willis"
- you can sing the theme song to Small Wonder
- every time you see a fountain you want to dance around it and yell "Fame!"
- you still have a shoebox full of Garbage Pail Kid cards
- you write your congressman asking him to introduce a bill to make "Born in the USA" the
national anthem
- you still use your Snoopy Sno-Cone machine
- you know it's not "comma, comma, comma" it's karma
- you stay up nights wondering what Bastian's mother's name was in "The Neverending Story"
- you have nightmares about the Peculiar Purple Pieman of Porcupine Peak
- you still practice your Care Bear Stare
- you know that girls just wanna have fun
- you can name all The Wuzzles
- you harbor a secret dream of being slimed by Alistair
- you can do the Safety Dance
- in your spare time you are writing "The Breakfast Club 2"
- you like to "connect the dots, la la la la!"
- someone mentions Jennifer Beals and you don't say "Who?"
- your prized possession is a collection of "Return of the Jedi" Shrinky Dinks
- you know whose number is 867-5309
- you get depressed thinking about Anthony Michael Hall's career
- you're starting a write-in campaign to MTV to bring back Remote Control
- you drink Diet Coke because Max Headroom told you to
- you consider Jo vs. Blair the major philosophical conflict of the 20th century
- you have a duck phone and ride around your house on a little train
- you want to be one of the Solid Gold Dancers
- you still watch things on Beta
- you want to change your name to Rio and dance on the sand
- you know that "Weird Science" was a movie before a tv show
- your favorite proverb is "some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on"
- you always waited for the Sweet Pickles Bus to visit your house
- your favorite party game is Hungry Hungry Hippos
- you saw the New Kids on the Block when they were Tiffany's opening act
- you liked Tom Hanks better when he was a cross-dresser
- you know which Hollywood Square Jim J Bullock was in
- you practice getting in and out of your car through the windows
- you have the tendency to turn up the collar of your polo shirts
- you're still wondering who really was the boss
- you know what the "P" in "Alex P. Keaton" stands for
- you keep asking your teachers if instead of the quiz you can take the physical challenge
- you organize weekend tournaments of TV tag
- you still drink New Coke
- when you watch "Terminator 2" you wonder where Vincent is
- you know ALF's real name
- you never go out for a night on the town without frosted blue eye shadow and feathered bangs
- you can name all of the Thundercats
- you got a hankerin' for a hunk of cheese
- everything in your wardrobe is either pastel or fluorescent
- your musical inspiration is Sonny Mann
- sometimes you just want to shout, shout, let it all out
- you're planning a dream vacation to Mepos
- you use your Speak and Spell to phone home
- you know the original members of Menudo
- sometimes out of the blue you just got to shake your love
- when you're stuck in traffic you tell your car to engage Turbo Boost and are surprised when it
doesn't talk back
- you remember when Vanessa sang Karaoke to "Locomotion"
- you know that Mr. Steele functions best in an advisory capacity.
- people are constantly gagging you with spoons
- your idea of appreciating ancient cultures is "Walk Like an Egyptian"
- the only thing you know about the Nazis is that they threw Indy to the snakes
- you still use your hair crimper before going out on a hot date
- you hatch plots to break Murdock out of VA hospital
- you know which five people Serpentor's DNA came from
- you have "We Are the World" on 45
- you're still sending death threats to Mr. Rubik
- you can feel St. Elmo's fire burnin' in you
- you watch NYPD Blue thinking, "Well, they're no Crockett and Tubbs, that's for sure"