Family Photos

Saturday, 24 December 2005

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We all went to Uncle Gary and Aunt Shelly's house for the Lester Family Christmas Eve Breakfast.  Kellar wore a different dress, because Taylor had the same red and black ribbon dress - and they couldn't be seen at the same party with the same dress!  Eric and Cooper compared hairstyles.  This is also the day I took my last picture of Uncle Irv.  I saw him after this, but didn't know or think to take any pictures. 

After breakfast and playing, Grandma, Andy, Amy and Quinn came back to our house to have our own little Christmas together.  Cooper was so lucky this year - AAQ gave him the two most awesome presents:  A play kitchen, and an Oscar Hat!

Before bedtime, we attempted more cute sibling photos in Christmas jammies.  Still unsuccessful.

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This is the last photo of Uncle Irv I ever took.









